In his twenties, beside attending University, Simon worked as a rafting- and canyoning guide. A Photographer came to their institute, planned a few outdoor pictures and asked Simon to make a few shots with him. With those pictures, the photographer recommended applying at a sports agency. He did and so his modeling career took off.
Doing more and more jobs, Simon applied to other agencies and for his work lived in places such as Vienna, CapeTown, Barcelona, Salzburg, and Munich. He worked with brands as Austria Airlines, Parship, and Frucade and did numerous television commercials, Volkswagen, Tipp3, Boozt, TUI, and Wasa are all in his portfolio.
Besides modeling, Simon works as a Physiotherapist and Osteopath in his institute in Vienna. There is hardly any sport he didn’t try. Simon played soccer at quite a high level, he was a 100m sprinter and third in Austrias youth championship, this besides being a really good gymnast. We can honestly say, a great all-round sportsman. The last two years he has taken up dancing, he says he is not a pro, but knows the basics. Simon is a friendly, empathic, social, happy and funny person trying to make life a little easier and better for everyone around.